For those who may not know, pioneer trek a reenactment of the Mormon Pioneers coming across the plains. The kids ages 14-18 go up to the mountains and are put in "families". They have a "Ma" and "Pa" to look after them and help them along. They leave all of the modern conveniences at home, so no ipods, cell phones etc. Then they push a hand cart while they hike anywhere from 12 to 16 or 17 miles a day. Oh, I almost forgot, they don't have a ton of food either, and have to cook it as families.
I know you're thinking that sounds crazy! It is a little. But it is also wonderful. I've gone once as a teen, and once as a "Ma." Both times were totally exhausting, but I came home with a much greater appreciation of what I have been blessed with.
So now it is time for my boys to go. I can hardly believe it. I am so excited, nervous and anxious for them. I know it is going to be tough. I hope it will also be wonderful for them too.
So here they all are. Ready to face the great unknown. As they pulled away in the bus, my heart hurt. I am sad that they are gone, but I wouldn't want it any other way. There is no where else I would rather them be right now. I can't wait til Saturday to see them marching along the trail, and to bring them home.