Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pajama Day

Today was pajama day at school. Ashlyn was so excited. She picked out some of her special jammies last night. I woke up to her smiling face leaning over me this morning. Her hair was done, shoes on. She was ready to go. I drove carpool to school today. On the way home I got a hysterical phone call from 7 year old Ashlyn. Today was NOT pajama day. Ashlyn was in tears. I told her I would pick her up out front of the the school in two minutes. She came out to the car with her hall pass. We ran home, changed her clothes and she said, "I feel like a Duffis!" 273 times. I think she will survive. (Hopefully without counseling)

1 comment:

  1. You give Ashlyn a BIG hug for me and tell her we've all have those days of feeling like a duffis. Congratulations on the upcoming baby (GUS), I'm excited for you. Sorry your feeling so sick and yucky. You've got an AWESOME family.

