For all 3 of you reading my blog, I
apologize for taking so long. May is just insanely busy with the end of school "everything." Those of you with children in school know what I mean. I had a great
surprise this month. Will had a business trip to Chicago, and I got to tag along. (Yeah

This worked out perfectly, because I've been doing genealogy, and I have family that I can't find from Chicago. I only had 5 days notice to get everything ready for my mom to watch the kids (Thanks mom) and to get all of my research together. (I spent about 5 hours at the Family History Library looking up and copying city directories.)

My favorite
restaurant there was the Grand
Lux Cafe. Yum! It was so good we went twice.

This was the view from our hotel window. At least when it wasn't raining. Which it did
a lot.

The Graceland Cemetery was located just a few blocks north of Wrigley Field. We didn't catch a game, but we were there when one was being played. It was cool to be there.